Aaron Schwartz – sports & creativity


I hope to continue this way as long as it makes sense and I can get by, eat well and live comfortably.

When I first heard of Aaron I was very impressed by his photography skills, which you may have seen on his Instagram feed or Facebook page. Later on I watched “Tales From The Crap”, the second LAAX snowboard film, for which Aaron did the branding and designed the film titles and packaging. I then went for a coffee at the Livingruhm in Flims, where Aaron’s art work adorned the walls of this little coffee shop for a few months last winter. Imagine the pressure when I finally got the chance to meet him in person! Turns out he is as humble as he is talented. After a couple of months shooting on the same slopes we agreed on developing some articles together and Aaron accepted to illustrate our texts with his pictures. Ever since we never let go of him and we wish to thank him for his time and stunning work. To show our appreciation of this partnership we’d like to share with you some work realised by Aaron this season. Enjoy!

Present yourself in a few short sentences.
I am 29 years old, born in North Vancouver and grew up in Switzerland in the 90s. I returned to Canada for about 8 years for high school and university. Though the past few years I’ve spent living in Laax, Switzerland, where I try to make a living with design, illustration, lettering, and taking pictures.

How you have discovered art, design and photography?
As many other kids out there I grew up with a love and fascination for drawing and colouring. And it’s something that’s stayed with me throughout my teenage years and into adult life. At one point in high school my art teacher opened my eyes to the possibilities of studies and a career in the creative field, which I ended up deciding to follow. I then studied fine art at a university, and eventually transferred to an art school to focus on graphic design. I got into photography somewhere between high school and my first year or two of university. Some close friends of mine were in photo school at the time as well, and I learned a lot from them. I just always liked taking pictures of the stuff happening around me, whatever my friends and I were up to, whether it was playing music or skate/snowboarding or just hanging around. At some point I started tobring my camera to the mountains as well, which then quickly grew into my favourite past-time, snowboarding and taking pictures.

You’ve done quite a bit of work in the board sports community. Why did you choose this industry to practice your creative skills?
I think just from being involved in board sports over the years, it kind of came naturally. I worked at various shops in the past 10 years, in Vancouver and in Switzerland. Through that I met people who were involved with brands or companies in the industry, and I started getting a few freelance jobs here and there. But I don’t think I ever specifically decided to be a designer or photographer in the board sports industry. It just so happened that what I was doing in my personal life was also starting to get traction professionally. I hope to continue this way as long as it makes sense and I can get by, eat well and live comfortably.

Outcoming learnings from the board sports environment?
I think I’ve learned to be more spontaneous and take thing less seriously. With snowboarding and skateboarding there is no right or wrong way to do anything, so it’s super free, you can be creative and express yourself in whatever way you see fit. I think I’ve been able to take a lot of those kind of feelings and translate them into how I work creatively. Especially with drawing.

How do you see your future in this scene?
I hope to stay connected to snowboarding personally and professionally for as long as possible.

You are known for your photography as well as your design work. Explain their similarities or differences.
The main difference for me is when I’m drawing or working I am usually at home, indoors, at my desk, alone. And with photography, especially in the winter, I’m outdoors with other people, enjoying the fresh air and being active. I really enjoy both, for it gives me a great balance.

Which would you wish to develop?
I think professionally I will try to continue evolving as a graphic artist and focus more on illustration and lettering. But in general I wish to learn more and better myself in both areas. I think if I can continue down the path I’ve been on the past year or two, it’ll all be good. It’s been going well and I look forward to whatever lies ahead.

You are now experiencing a creative journey. Explain your concept and creative process.
I’m spending half of the summer in North America, mainly in cities (Stamford, New York, Vancouver). When I return to Switzerland I plan to spend a few weeks in the mountains in a little remote cabin. I intend on documenting my daily activities, and to compare and contrast what type of work I was doing during my time in the city, and my time in the mountains. I’m not sure of the outcome but I hope to learn a few things along the way.

What has been your biggest challenge as a growing artist nowadays?
I think the challenge lies in keeping yourself motivated, productive, and creative. So even when there’s some down time from client projects, it’s important to keep creating things and stay on it, keep busy. It’s not easy to have that kind of discipline, and I don’t think I have it all figured out yet either. Some days are better than others.

If I give you 10’000 Euro what would you do with it?
Travel for a while and end up cash-poor, but rich with quality life experiences.

Best film quote?
“The older you do get, the more rules they’re gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin’ man, L-I-V-I-N.” – Wooderson in “Dazed & Confused”

Last comment to all the young creatives?
Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. As long as you’re doing what makes you happy, you’ve got very little to worry about.


Thank you for your time and work, Aaron.
We wish you a great time in the US.
Cheers, Nicki and the Reverse Team

Pictures: Aaron Schwartz
Location: Skype, Brooklyn (US) vs Zurich (CH)
Links: Aaron’s Tumblr, Aaron’s Portfolio