Who let the pigs out?


This is the story of the pig family reunion.

About the family

Are you familiar with the Ride Snowboards brand? With their dark colors and edgy designs, Ride is known for their trashy ripper family members. It is not about your ranking in contests or how many vlogs you drop per season… It is about how much fun you are having and how far you push your riding. It is about style, sending gnarly tricks, stepping up your game, trying out creative and edgy tricks… The mountain is our playground and we are here to have fun while entertaining each other with fearless moves. Blood, pain, fellow riders propping and countless beers are always on the menu during our gatherings. Each family member has a big heart and a young mind.

Friday: we go crazy day!

Every year the whole family meets up on Friday, in Innsbruck, Austria, for our first dinner. This year we also welcomed the Polish part of the tribe. Like the rest of us, they are fun, alcoholic, limitless souls. We all met in a restaurant in the city, where we got to connect with each other during a battle of flying coasters. Beers after shots, we ended up in the famous Jimmy’s bar, where we challenged each other to stupid yet hilarious drinking games. Thank god, someone had the smart idea to stop this carousal and suggested to head back to the hotel before we would loose ourselves into the wildest night.

Despite the clan movement towards the door of the bar, few firmly opposed to the comfort of their bed and stayed behind. We saw them again on the next day around lunch.

Riding Ride Snowboards

The sun was shining and the kids were fresh! A good way to kick off our first day of riding. The guys and I arrived on top of Nordkette at a surprisingly appropriate time and started lapping straight away while the park was still abandoned. Everyone was hyped and getting some air time rapidly. With a good collaboration, we managed to shoot some gnarly tricks with creative POV (point of view). Everyone expressed a great energy and was excited to work together.

The afternoon ended with a nice nap in the hotel room followed by fine food in an Asian restaurant in the city center. At this point the family was feeling comfortable with each other and we invested our evening telling never ending jokes and pulling pranks. The night was chill, hilarious and smooth. Although, the alcoholic Polish guys motivated the clan to finish up their prestige Vodka bottle. We share so many passions!

Ok ciao!

On the last day of riding, everyone was up the earliest and we started shooting on the big jump. Only a few bold ones reached the speed to fly over the kicker and stomp in the landing. Quickly the snow became slower, softened by the heat of the sun, and we headed to other features. I spent the afternoon with the Polska team who got their stoke on the Adidas quarter on top of the slope. The highlight being, Olaf (yes like the snowman in Frozen) hanging upside down with one foot stuck over the coping. Afterwards, the family rounded up for one final picture before melancholically saying our goodbyes and throwing some last snowballs at each other.

We are all grateful to be part of the Ride Snowboards family and we are thrilled to represent the brand. I’m psyched to see everyone again next year.


Ride on!

Pictures: Nicki Antognini
Words: Nicki Antognini
Location: Nordkette, Innsbruck, Austria
Thanks to: Ride Snowboards for organising and keeping the team together