Unified and innovative LAAX
LAAX: a place where entrepreneurs, freelancers and forward thinkers can exchange, connect and get inspired.
Unified LAAX
The first thing that pops into people’s minds when they hear about LAAX is the snow, the wide slopes, the landscape, the stylish architecture, the world’s biggest halfpipe and 4 snowparks… briefly, the resort. In fact, since many years LAAX is at the top of the ranking as the best winter resorts in different categories (slopes, organization, housing, staff, offers, catering…). Why? Simply by unification.
It is interesting that such a logical action as unification can be so complex. Bringing people, associations and infrastructures together to benefit from each other – this is the vision of Reto Gurtner and this is also what makes LAAX one of the best resorts in the world. You might think that I’m exaggerating – come and try! Weisse Arena Gruppe (the integrated service company managing the resort), between 1996 and 1997, merged the hotels, the restaurants, the ropeways, the tourism office and much more businesses and encouraged them to work together for one main goal: the guests! It seems easy, but many other resorts have tried and failed while the Gurtner family powerfully promotes a collaboration between divisions that became the LAAX we all know today. In this day, during winter over one thousand people share LAAX as a workplace and working together is a challenge in such a big company as every employee is representing a different branch of the sector. But, here in LAAX, it’s about the bigger picture, everyone has to learn to understand and roll with it for the sake of the guests and the image of the brand.
LAAX has been successful and growing ever since and every guest is happy and excited to see the evolution.
Forward thinking
What makes LAAX’s business approach so special is the innovative thinking of Reto Gurtner, often one step ahead of time, he acts as a future shaper amongst Swiss ski resorts and sets trends… Unifying the whole resort by completely digitizing the mountain was one of the most thriving projects as the INSIDE LAAX app, launched in 2013, is now on the top of the most downloaded apps in Switzerland. This idea came from a need of convenience, connectivity and transparency enabling the guests to score a smooth journey during their visit in LAAX.
LAAX doesn’t focus only on the guests, but tries to identify their environmental impact to find sustainable solutions. In 2016, LAAX founded the Greenstyle foundation and from that day many actions have been taken to increase the access to natural energy and create awareness through the large network from LAAX. The goal being to inspire people to appreciate the mountain not only as a playground but to encourage them to respect the nature. Simple water fountains have been installed all over the resort influencing people to fill up their reusable water bottle instead of buying more plastic. Or the Riders Hotel launched a pilot project in winter 2017/18 in collaboration with Kitro, a fully automated food waste management solution, to tack food waste. Systematic rubbish separation, solar-powered cable cars, hydroelectric power and efficient use of resources… These are just some of the many examples of LAAX’s sustainable management.
The Bridge
Two years ago, Reto Gurtner had the idea to offer a space on the mountain for young minds to gather and create. This is how The Bridge was born – two floors of working space divided by glass rooms (meeting rooms), a large terrace, a cinema, an open working space and a big central fireplace inviting all the people to sit and exchange. This space is situated inside of the Galaaxy at 2252 m.a.s.l. and offers a 360 degree view on the mountains and the valley. This is the perfect location to get out of your comfort zone and let yourself get influenced by new surroundings – new tools for innovation. Also, LAAX is a leisure destination and the calm, festive vibe is encouraging for people to exchange and connect.
The name “The Bridge” comes from the wish of bridging the gap between individuals and sectors of expertise – because the best ideas come from collaborations. Here, young entrepreneurs, designers, developers, creatives and many other come to work, exchange, get out of their routine and connect.
As you probably understand by now, LAAX is a location that aspires innovation and supports young entrepreneurs on their professional quests. This mindset and setup attracts a lot of young minds and freelancers. Since a few years now, LAAX has become a little hub for designers, photographers, filmers, developers, consultants… who come to connect, work and find inspiration.
You’re still not convinced? Come over and try it! Join us for one day at The Bridge.
Pictures: Nicki Antognini
Words: Nicki Antognini in collaboration with Martina Calonder
Location: Laax, Switzerland
Thanks to: Weisse Arena AG for the great season in Laax