From lows to new horizons


Our greatest lessons often come from our biggest lows, I could never take back anything that happened. It was all one big ugly gift and I’m stoked.

Harley appeared in my life three years ago. I was working on a project for his dad, Jim Banks, who is part of the first generation surf explorers arriving in Bali from Australia to surf empty waves. That dinosaur is still ripping the line up in Uluwatu and has built a name for himself as a local shaper. At that time Harley was supporting Jim in the management of his shaper’s company. This kid had barely reached his 20s and his life experience was impressive. From school, to sailing through Indonesia, back to school, to England to work in database and app development… his stories were wild.

Ever since, Harley and I kept in touch and met up in Bali every-time I could make it. He put me on my first board (made me drawn in Dreamland) and today we are surfing the same line up in North Sumatra.

Harley is now 23 and on the path to becoming a successful young entrepreneur. When I was dancing on bars, that fucker is growing his second company. You heard me! His conversations about team management, meditation, workflow, company vision, development ethics… are respectful and inspiring. Harley is a hilarious kid with the brain of a London hipster, entrepreneur and a heart of an empathic human lover.

The road to success is often rocky. It’s usually a journey that can make or break people. It’s often we see the success stories, or a quick sum of how they got to where they are.

Harley’s been rad enough to share some rock bottom lows and painful moments! As well as all his tools that he uses today.


Last time we met, you were on the verge of leaving for Australia, heading to a new start.

To start from the start, It was June 2020, I’d just gotten back from a long stint in the UK and Bali, I was ready to build myself a life that I wanted to live and to focus on getting closer to some core dreams.

My brother called me up and asked if I wanted to start a jewellery brand. At the time I was building my dad’s surfboard brand looking at trying a few different things, including e-commerce and online courses. When he gave me a buzz about the rings, I knew it was something he’d thought of doing for a while and he knew I was quite driven haha… I was pretty much onboard straight after he asked because I knew it was something I would enjoy creating and I had a feeling that there would be strong demand.

It was something worth creating because it was something I just couldn’t find, and it wasn’t just me or matt it was all our mates. What we wanted at the price we wanted in the style we wanted wasn’t there yet… Or it was just hard to find, we found people later creating similar stuff but the fact we couldn’t find many sources at the start meant we had something.

I was in Indonesia at the time surrounded by incredible artisans and so I put it into motion and started searching for the people we would need to help us create the product…

Let’s focus on the process and timeline to build up a new brand.

Building a business… Pretty straight forward right? You make the product or find someone to craft it. Build a website, take some photos and boom, done! Haha well, not quite. We thought it’d take a month or two max… It took around 6 months. Creating the website, logo, and shooting can easily be done within a few days. What took us forever was crafting something we couldn’t craft and no one around us was crafting anything alike. It was also about finding someone to craft the jewellery who had good values, someone we could trust, who was skilled and would look after us. We ended up using a few different people for different things. It was all very free flow and complete madness starting out; driving around in a country that was and is largely offline and word of mouth.

There was so much back and forth, trying to get it all right, figuring it all out as we went. I could probably chat for hours on it haha, got some funny stories. But I look back now and it was all kind of necessary in a way, they were all hoops we had to jump through, and where I am now, creating a new brand I still have to jump through. Although I’m a lot more prepared now and a lot more aware of what’s coming.

In the end, we launched with a product we weren’t completely happy with –or maybe Matt was but I wasn’t quite haha. But uh we were happy enough and we liked wearing them and figured well hell, other people will too! With some smart marketing and selling through the right platforms, we ended up selling out before we knew it. That was the start of the brand Merchants Of The Sun.


Let’s talk a little bit about teamwork and working with people on a startup. What are your thoughts on this?

Having someone by your side is incredible if this is your first rodeo, or even if it’s your second and third. Just the fact you’ve got someone in there with you when shit hits the fan is epic. But there’s more to it than just that, you’ve got two brains creating something, another head to bounce idea’s off someone there next to you to create with… In saying this though, you can also hit some walls, as you’ve got two brains driving the car haha.

Luckily for us, we both had a pretty similar vision and we were just free-flowing, we didn’t have any head butts starting off, or if we did, there were very few. I think we were both interested in building something great and we had pressure on, so we had to support each other and we just flowed.

What’s some advice you’d give to someone bringing a partner on board or starting a business with a partner? Should they?

Okay advice.. You’ve got to have a very clear vision for the next six months, one year and five years. Who’s managing what, what happens if there’s a disagreement, what are the policies you’re going to live by? How do you want to work and what will your workload look like? What are your own personal goals? What are the values you and the brand are going to live by? How involved in the different creative aspects will you be? Be brutally honest with yourself and with your partner, don’t say you’re going to work 9-5 if you’ve never worked 9-5 your life and you don’t feel like doing it for more than a week etc. You’ve got to be up front, and you might find out you have completely different work ethics or beliefs or can’t agree on the vision. If you can figure out at this point that it ain’t going to work, then you might save yourself a long gruelling journey.

Once you’ve mapped it all out, have a written and legally binding agreement in place for now and the future. These are your rules for conduct and thriving. There are books and podcasts on all this stuff though!


So what happened that you came to the point of leaving the company?

To help whoever is reading this best I can, we were prepared for indifference but we never had anything signed or in writing because you don’t want to go there. We had verbal agreements and a few things in writing but nothing that forced us to uphold our verbal agreements, which has always been enough for me. At the core of everything that happened, having our agreements legally binding is what would have saved our partnership.

What happened for us came more down to ego’s, family and I guess me being the little brother. Being a brother can create tight bonds, but it also carries with it a lifetime of memories. When it came down to it, I was a little hurt by a few things that were happening, I needed space and just couldn’t continue on with how things were going. Rather than chat, Matt decided it didn’t matter. The brand is his and I have to go elsewhere.

But I think that’s how it was meant to be and I’m okay with that. I think the world just had other plans, haha :).

How did this feel?

At the time, It was absolutely crushing, there were some really rough patches. I also had everything tied up in the business so I had no funds, a few other things happened and I kind of ended up with nowhere to live.

Thanks to a bit of wisdom I’ve had over the years. I now know that your memories create your view and ideologies, which creates your personality which in turn creates your reality. I’d felt these pains before, this feeling of everything is unfair, being alone, abandoned. There was a window where I just felt shattered for a while and was ready to neck it. But I managed to work through it and also had some really beautiful experiences. It has probably been a pinnacle point of my life, in terms of personal development, understanding myself and what really matters.

Can you share some more concrete tools you used to find yourself and redefine your goals that directed you onto the journey you’re on today?

Going through the process of losing something that I poured my heart and soul into was devastating, and being kicked out of home and everything that came after even more so… But I look back now and know that this was a pinnacle point of my life because of what I learned through it, about what matters, about myself, and the tools I gained. The greatest thing I can do in gratitude for this moment is to pass those on.

First and foremost are these specific guided meditations that helped me heal pains going back to my childhood taking me back to moments I didn’t know existed and healing those moments. Other meditations were about focusing on a future you want to create and be a part of.. Focusing on the next steps. Some of these meditations will have you felling lighter and warmer and will help you have an incredible day… Sometimes you’ll be in absolute bliss all day haha. But healing was and forever will be a process, and will take time. I’ve listed all these meditations and all my tools below.

For example, at one point I did a five-day water fast and tried to meditate through this. I locked myself in my bedroom, didn’t eat and didn’t leave. I struggled to meditate for long periods of time. At times, I really struggled. I didn’t have the flexibility to sit upright. Keeping my mind focused while starving only made it harder. I got to a point where I would just start counting to get through ten minutes. It was tough, but also pretty funny now I look back. I don’t think I’d recommend anyone to do what I did, but it did give me drive haha.

Another thing for me was creating. I never really felt like I was ready to move on and start again. I just started creating, I started sketching again. It helped make me present and give me a break from everything else around me. I was just sketching lots of random things, the stuff that I wanted to bring to life through the last brand but never really got the chance. Just playing around really. We all have the ability to create, there’s so much beauty in creating, which is why creativity, inspiring people to be creative and supporting artists around the world is something that I want to be strong in the new brand.

There were other things here and there that helped remind me what living meant, or brought me back into the moment. Skating was something that helped bring me back to the now and just forced me to be present. Exploring too – there’s often so many place’s five minutes from home we’ve never been, there’s so much beauty in this world, we often don’t have to go far to see something new or take in a new place. Finally being around some pretty special people who knew the importance of enjoying the small things and often doing not much at all which helped remind me of what really matters.

This is what I’m creating now – a brand that reminds people of these things, of the things that matter. We also want to make it fun and inspire people to have fun. Bring back a bit of dry humour and cheeky laughs amongst the inspiration. Share other people’s stories, how they live, what they do that makes them fulfilled… But perhaps that’s for another time another post.

Harley – “Real quick on routines or meditations and doing them everyday – I’m not perfect. I break them all the time. But when I keep them for weeks or months I also have some of my most incredible months and weeks. These are some of the most important tools I have ever found or come across that help me feel amazing or get into a good place when shit goes sideways and are one of the only reasons I’m here to this day.”

Routines / Meditations
(If you can, sit up for these meditations, if not just do them lying down.
I still do a bunch lying down.)

Aaron Doughty
The most powerful meditation for feeling whole and complete.
Watch Youtube video
This meditation is to this day one of the most beautiful meditations I’ve ever done. This is all you need to heal your past.
He also has a lot more meditations, some are more surface stuff, others go in-depth in different ways and he has a lot of good talks. This is all I use though pretty much.

Ho’oponopono Meditation
Watch Youtube video
This is a beautiful meditation regardless if you’re struggling or not and highly recommend it. No matter where you are at, this will help you feel lighter, understand yourself more and give you more energy for your day.

Joe Dispenza (focusing on the future and not the past)
Watch: Morning
A short morning and evening meditation to get you focused on your day, the future and not the past. 95% of your thoughts are scientifically proven to be yesterday’s thoughts. This helps change that. It’s a little more ‘woo woo’ and out there though ;).
Book 1
Book 2

Wim Hoff
Youtube Video 
If I ever am not feeling top-notch, wake up groggy, feel a bit fried after a long day etc. This gets me back to feeling great, clear and ready to keep going. It’s 11 minutes and it’ll flood every cell in your body with oxygen and then consume that oxygen and you rinse and repeat through this meditation. You’ll finish feeling great, you also breathe into all your anxiety and it won’t feel the best when you start. Follow the pace and breathe in until you feel your lungs are all the way up in your chest, and let go of your breath but don’t fully breathe out on the out-breath. Breathing through your mouth tends to work best.

Pictures: Nicki Antognini
Words: Harley Banks
Thanks to: Harley for taking the time to open up about his experience and share his personal thoughts.